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If it's too long a wait until your appointment, I can add you to the waiting list.  Please get in touch if you would like to be added!

"The best sports massage I have ever had! I have had quite a few and have been left feeling bruised and battered after some of them but not with Kate. People associate sports massage as hurting lots during the treatment, however with Kate she uses trigger points and her Kinesiology knowledge to avoid that, to ensure you get the full benefit of the treatment. Kate did a comprehensive assessment before the massage, so she could get a good understanding of where I was having issues (this session it was my shoulders and forearms).  I finished the session feeling well, truly relaxed and with a lot more movement in my shoulders and no tightness in my forearms. Before my treatment, if I was doing a full plank on my hands or a press up, my wrists would hurt immediately.  I have had no wrist pain since my massage 3 months ago."  Sarah, Sports Massage Client

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