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Services & Other Information

Cancer Care

Ensuring you are supported throughout your treatment and after cancer treatment, a range of therapies that best suits you and whichever stage of treatment you are.  

Lymphoedema Support

In  person - a variety of therapies to suit you, to promote movement and management of lymph.  How do I manage my lymphoedema at home?  I can provide expertise in management through movement, self drainage massage, meditation and other self help advice.  

Scar Therapy

Wether it be trauma, surgery, radiotherapy.  Scars aren't just surface deep.  Scar Therapy can help support your body and mind.  From the physical side effects of scars to the emotional impact they have.  Be supported both physically and mentally through your recovery.  Scar Therapy helps with range of movement, lymphatic movement, body image, new and old scars can be improved with this gentle effective therapy. 


From the small incidents in life through to major challenges, with a mix of therapies and activity advice, this service provides everyone with options.  Once we have worked on getting your body ready to move we can put a plan together to get it moving!  Whether it be dancing, walking, tai chi, activities that suit you and make you smile will benefit you most.  If you like it you will do it, simple!

Listen, Learn, Love, Live

For people with long term conditions or chronic conditions.  From talks to individual support packages.   I can teach you how to listen to your body and mind, learn how to live with whatever comes your way, love the way you are now and get to live your best life!  

Complementary Therapies

Follow this link to provide you with an overview of just a few of the therapies I offer, my full list of qualifications is on my "About" page.  If you have any questions about the therapies, please just ask!

Pricing Structure

All therapy sessions are set at £70 per hour.   Within this price you receive a full consultation (always add on at least 15 minutes to your first treatment!), a therapy of choice and lots of aftercare. 

What difference does the aftercare make?   You can really benefit from the healing and rehabilitation process by being provided with exercises, stretches or advice best suited to you with the experience I have built up over the years, helping you take control to optimise your wellbeing.

I have a discount price for those who need the support but cannot access it.  Please apply if required. 

YouTube Channel

Click here to access the My Simple Steps YouTube channel to access tutorials and testimonials.

"During my treatment for Cancer, Kate helped me to adopt a positive attitude for the future.  At the end of the treatment I had put on a lot of weight and my mobility was very poor.  Through her advice and support she taught me how to exercise and move, which enabled me to do everyday things like reach to high cupboards and get out of a chair without support from my arms.  It was tailor made to suit my needs.  I now walk quicker and more confidently despite having lost feeling in my feet, as a result of chemotherapy.  Kate was really encouraging and my confidence was boosted in everything I do.  I am really grateful.  I hope I will be able to use her services again to improve my life even further.

Lynda (Ovarian Cancer)

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